This past January I had the opportunity of a lifetime; I was able to see the Presidential Election of Barack Obama with my classmates from school. This trip was one of the first times I went on a vacation alone without my family so I had taste of “so called” independence. For a week I went to the cities of Boston, Pennsylvania and Virginia. I saw amazing sites such as the national archives where the declaration of independence was kept along with Jamestown, the prestige Ivy League university of Williams and Mary, along with the Smithsonian Institution where nineteen museums surrounded the state of P.A. From the first day I arrived there with my classmates we got off the plane to a rude awakening of cold weather! We got on the bus and ate at a buffet restaurant; from there we went to our journey bus ride to our nations capital. When we had finally arrived I was so excited to get off the bus because I was curious as to what this historic and beautiful city looked like. We toured all day, one of the many first stops we went to was the Jefferson’s memorial. It was an amazing site that I am pleased I had saw because I had seen this in movies and of course on the back side of a nickel. This site wasn’t the only site that I enjoyed there were many others.
I had also viewed many sites such as the Lincolns Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, World War II Memorial and Jamestown. The experience I had was like no other; it could be interpreted in many ways. Only you the reader would have to go and experience it for yourself, just like going to any other place I had an awesome experience from rooming with my friends to meeting new people from school that I would never had thought in a million years that I would have so much in common with and have long conversations that would lead to a start of long friendships. If I had one wish, it would probably have to be redoing that experience and being there when the first black president in the United States history was elected. I was able to hear and be there during the event of a presidential ignaugration. Millions of people from around the world viewed the Presidents inaugural address whether it was from television, the radio, to articles and blogs written on the Internet. I was able to be there myself and I can later on in the future say that I was there. I can retell this remarkable event to my children, colleagues or grand kids. I am looking forward to reading this event written in history books. When I do sometime in the near future I can say, “I was there” and retell the story for those who ask and are curious. But for the most part I am glad for what my dad has given me this past year. As a single parent he works very hard and works overtime, but he still can find a way to show and take me to many different places. Places that I will always remember for the rest of my life and places that I can only dream of going to. If I had the money, I would make his day by purchasing him his dream car, an Original Shelbie Cobra. I would have to say that he is the most respected person to me because he has sacrificed so much for me in the little time that I have been here on earth. Sixteen years of raising me was very challenging but it was a journey and the journey has yet to stop because it will continue to a new chapter in my life. A chapter full of adventures and awe, a chapter that will lead to my final success in life.
-Nicole Lujan
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