Friday, July 17, 2009

Woman Arrested For Theft of Sweeteners

Lorita Lynn was arrested for the theft of Sweet ‘N Lows on July 17th at Paco’s Tacos located in National City. Officer Loyd Swiftpack arrived at the scene at 3:04 p.m. to discover Lynn immobilized on the ground with owner Paco del Toro restraining her in a headlock position.

Lynn, 36, plans to sue del Toro for $8000 in psychological damage and assault as bruises cover her body. Del Toro also wants to sue Lynn for theft and damage done to his restaurant. He is confident he won’t be convicted of the charges pressed against him. Lynn however is afraid of a sentence of up to five years, as she is the financial supporter of her mother and father. Both del Toro and Lynn have clean criminal records. 

“I told (Lynn) she could take as many (Sweet ‘N Lows) as she liked, but only to be polite. I didn’t expect her to start taking 15-20 packets daily for the past three months,” said del Toro.

Lorita Lynn was a regular customer at Paco’s Tacos. She visited the café three times a day to order black coffee. Lynn consumed many Sweet ‘N Lows with her coffee which caused del Toro to accuse Lynn of theft.

Del Toro, 45, notified Lynn she was taking unnecessary amounts of Sweet ‘N Low.

“She approached aggressively first and then charged at me,” said del Toro “I only put her in a jujitsu headlock for around 30 seconds as self defense.” 

The struggle escalated when Lynn allegedly threatened del Toro with a broken beer bottle. Lynn claims the supposed weapon was merely a bottle of nail polish. Officer Swiftpack then appeared at the café to resolve the dispute. He doesn’t recall seeing any broken bottle whatsoever. 

Lynn, a cash register at the local AMPM, lives nearby the café, which she once called her favorite. “My wage is low, I can’t afford to buy Sweet ‘N Lows to get me through the day, “ said Lorita Lynn.

Officers will observe video cameras in the café and interview witnesses such as cooks and customers that were at the scene. The final verdict will be determined by the Chula Vista Municipal Court on July 22.  

By Jennifer Sun and Nicole Lujan

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